More than two years planning, 30,000 pages of paperwork and 6000 nails to build the stage—among many other contributions—have come together to create the “Under Oath” Australian Pathfinder Camporee, which begins with the opening parade tomorrow afternoon.
“Camporee setup has been a healthy, positive experience for our staff,” says Tony Knight, camporee director. “They have been incredibly calm, organised and efficient. I pay tribute to the staff members and the planning that has clearly gone on ahead of time. Every person here is well aware that they are part of a mission team with the aim of having young people commit or recommit their lives to God.”
Directors first met to plan the camporee in October 2008. It was there they decided on the “Under Oath” theme—exploring the Bible story of Josiah, the boy who changed the direction of his nation—something they believe the Pathfinders can do.
Up to 238 staff have been on-site organising, building and preparing for the past week and the sun has been shining—most of the time. The rain has had an impact however, with two clubs—Emerald and Rockhampton—forced to withdraw, a total of 39 Pathfinders and staff.